Meet the Team

Meet THE SoulCentro TEAM

Drawn together by deep love and commitment to the Iboga medicine and the Bwiti tradition…



Missoko Bwiti Initiate of 10 Years
Ordained Nganga (healer, seer)
Ordained Nima (initiator)
Traditionally Trained Iboga Facilitator
Visionary Artist

More about Chor

SoulCentro founder “Chor Boogie” aka Gnyangou is an internationally recognized visionary artist and an ordained Ngnanga (healer and seer) after completing a decade of study and service with the tradition, the rite of passage, and multiple advanced initiations. He has also been ordained at the level of Nima, which allows him to offer full initiations into the Assenguedia Missoko Bwiti tradition at SoulCentro. His Bwiti name, Gnyangou, means the medicine of the sun. Gnyangou is brings his profound dedication to the Iboga medicine, the Bwiti tradition, and speaking truth. His spiritual father is Grand Master Binana, president of the Wise (local chapter of a ngangas’ organization). Gnyangou is one of few Westerners who has been inducted into the Maghanga ma Nzambe, a Bwiti leadership council based on spiritual lineage. Gnyangou leads guests on annual journeys to Gabon.

​Elizabeth Bast


Missoko Bwiti Initiate of 10 Years
Traditionally Trained Missoko Bwiti Medicine Provider & Counselor
Double Certified Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher
30+ year Practitioner of Yoga & Meditation
Certified Transformational Integration & Recovery Coach (BTTY)

More about Elizabeth

Founder Elizabeth Bast experienced the Missoko Bwiti initiation, rite of passage, and immersive traditional Iboga provider training. She is a twice-certified, trauma-informed yoga teacher and has completed the transformational coach certification course for psychedelic medicine integration and addiction recovery through Being True to You. Along with her husband Gnyangou, she traveled to Gabon numerous times to study the traditional ways of knowing. Her Bwiti name is Mbeye, which means the medicine of the river. Elizabeth brings attentive listening, compassion, and deep presence to guests.

Robert Chapman RN

Bodhi Chapman, RN

Medical Support Staff

TNCC certified
ACLS certified
5 years experience in critical care, trauma, cardiac care, & psychiatric assessment
2 years medical apprentice experience
Bwiti initiate

More about Robert

Robert Chapman is a seasoned medical nurse who is uniquely qualified through his professional experience for supporting medicine work with the Holy Root. Robert guides guests through our medical intake screening process and consults with our onsite medical support team. He currently works for a stroke and cardiac center. Robert has also experienced the Missoko Bwiti initiation and rite of passage; he draws on 3 years of personal work with the medicine including 3 immersive visits to Gabon and 2 years of medical apprenticeship. His Bwiti name is Ngonde, which means the moon. He brings his medicines of compassion, humility, gentleness, dedication, and steady presence to SoulCentro.

Iboga medical support staff, Dr. Douglas Rosales

​Douglas Rosales, MD

Medical Support Staff

ACLS certified
15 years experience working with Iboga in traditional containers
Background in psychology studies

More about Douglas

Dr Douglas Rosales brings rich experience with 15 years of service supporting over 2000 people in traditional Bwiti Iboga plant medicine ceremonies with an excellent safety record. He has researched the medicine at length and is uniquely qualified to support healing with Iboga. His background in university psychology studies is an added gift. Douglas brings a sensitive and responsive presence to the work, ever available to support physically, mentally, and spiritually. His personal relationship with the sacred medicine shines through.

Trisha Kulathangum

​Trisha Kulathungam

Preparation & Integration Support

Missoko Bwiti Iboga Facilitator Student
Certified Mental Fitness Coach
Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Founder & Executive Director:
Higher Learning Foundation
Founder & Executive Director:
Metta Lab
More about Trisha

Trisha is an entrepreneur, certified yoga & meditation teacher, and mental fitness coach who has worked in the non-profit, social enterprise, and industrial sectors over the last 15 years. Trisha draws on 5+ years of personal work with ibogaine and Iboga and 2+ years as a Missoko Bwiti student facilitator.

As the founder and executive director of The Higher Learning Foundation Inc, Trish has directed HLF’s evolution from a community scholarship program to a wrap-around service that provides mental fitness support and accessible community programming for anyone and everyone in need. Trisha creates and facilitates HLF Mental Fitness Programming throughout Canada.

Aside from dedicating her time to HLF, Trish is also an active philanthropist that supports youth programs, community nutrition programs, and addiction and trauma recovery programs across Canada. Trish is also a major supporter of public art and social justice projects across Canada.

Jimena Granados

Jimena Granados

Retreat Coordinator
Business Administration Student
Onsite Hospitality Manager

More about Jimena

Jimena Granados is a native of Costa Rica. She is currently studying Business Administration, and she is an important part of our management team. Additionally, she has a personal relationship with the medicine. Her integrated wisdom, understanding, and sensitivity is a blessing during onsite care. Guests appreciate her compassion, gentle presence, and attentiveness to detail.

Raul Barquero

Raul Barquero

Operations Manager
Real Estate Broker
Tour Guide

More about Raul

Raul Barquero is a native of Costa Rica. He brings a decade of experience in property management. He has exceptional knowledge of the country’s systems, resources, and legal considerations. He is a community connector, bringing a vast local network to the SoulCentro family. He is an experienced real estate broker and local tour guide. Raul is always happy to help our guests with any needs they may have. Additionally, he has a personal relationship with the medicine and brings deep dedication to his work. With his background and education in real estate, intricate knowledge of Costa Rica, and relations with indigenous groups, he is ideal to consult with on real estate stewardship.

Naweïa Wilder

Naweïa Wilder

Preparation & Integration Support

BodyCode Practitioner
EFT Practitioner
Missoko Bwiti Assistant Facilitator of 3 Years
More about Naweïa

Naweïa Wilder discovered the Holy Root medicine in 2017 in a search for personal truth and began working as an Assistant Facilitator in 2019. Iboga has been her teacher and healer and allowed her insights to remember wholeness after her sister’s passing (brain cancer), cult religious trauma, and sexual trauma. The medicine helped to open a new way of being in the world, safe and at home. She has since dedicated her life’s work and her practice to supporting others in finding their most effective path home to the heart and remembering their light and most natural way of being in the world. She is a kinesiologist, a BodyCode Practitioner, EFT tapping practitioner, and teaches emotional wellness workshops at festivals as well as co-hosts other healing retreats around the world.

Pali Baerrera Marin

Pali Baerrera Marin


200 hr Ashtanga Yoga Teacher
Breathwork Facilitator
Certified Meditation Teacher
Food-as-Medicine Chef
Student of Iboga & Bwiti
More about Pali
Pali is a passionate student of life, always learning, and always growing. Her creative approach to food-as-medicine is guided by spirit, intuition, and deep listening to the present moment. She cares deeply about intentionality with our human power. She honors our inherent connectivity with all beings. She has extensive apprenticeship and professional experience in commercial restaurants, Ayurvedic diet, and gourmet raw food.

Pali is gifted at reflective listening and studying truth. Her presence is a gift for the guests of SoulCentro; she is often available for authentic conversation. Ever ready to laugh, she appreciates the divine humor in all things. As a survivor of significant personal trauma and loss, she has healed a great deal by her own intentions and also through the Iboga medicine and Bwiti tradition. She is deeply experienced in the ceremony container at SoulCentro.

SoulCentro Costa Rican Staff

Gratitude to our Costa Rican Staff:

Raul, Tino, Mary, Jimena, Laila, Sofia, & Hector! We could not do this without you!


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