Nganga Gnyangou
Founder and visionary artist Chor Boogie aka Gnyangou has been ordained as a nganga (healer and seer) in the Assenguidia Missoko Bwiti tradition after completing a decade of study and service, the rite of passage, and multiple advanced initiations. His Bwiti name, Gnyangou, means the medicine of the sun. As an Iboga provider, Gnyangou brings his profound dedication to the Iboga medicine, the Bwiti tradition, and speaking truth. His spiritual father is Master Binana, president of the Wise (local chapter of a ngangas’ organization). Gnyangou is a member of Maghanga ma Nzambe, a Bwiti leadership council based on spiritual lineage. Gnyangou leads guests on annual journeys to Gabon.