Bwiti Iboga Healer’s School

At SoulCentro, we are not just “Iboga providers.” We are lineage holders.

This is a significant distinction.

To be stewarding and serving medicine, especially when involving Bwiti in any way, it is not enough just to be an “Iboga provider” in our traditional perspective. Rather, it is important to be an ordained nganga (healer and seer) of the tradition.

We feel strongly that the world needs more qualified Bwiti Iboga healers, and it is a part of our mission to help empower others to fill this role—in the right way and not the rushed way, by going through the proper channels. Our school is essentially non-profit, with tuition only covering the most basic necessities such as food, accommodations, utilities, and housekeeping.

To be considered for the school,

we request that people first come as a retreat guest in order to receive an intimate experience of our container. This helps all parties to explore if it is a good fit. It is imperative for anyone interested in serving the medicine to experience it themselves in a proper traditional ceremony. Additionally, the directive to serve medicine as a lineage holder comes directly from the medicine journey. Request a complimentary consultation click the link below.

Receiving the Blessing to Serve

Unfortunately in the West, we see many “Iboga providers” who operate only having experienced the first initiation, which is considered to be just the beginning in the Bwiti and Maboundi (the women’s tradition). A Bwiti or Maboundi initiation is not the same as facilitator and healer training, and it is certainly not a license to serve medicine.

Sometimes, these “Iboga providers” experience only a very brief “Iboga provider training,” lasting as little as two months. We have heard of such training programs being pitched to retreat guests fresh out of their first experience with the medicine, still affected by the afterglow, with little or no personal integration time. We feel that a two month period of study is severely lacking, as do most traditional Bwiti lineage holders. Our program is more time intensive, but far more comprehensive and ultimately far less expensive per day, than other programs. When people move from their own healing to trying to help others heal too quickly, it often creates danger for themselves and others.

As Iboga providers, we feel it is important to operate with ongoing connection to the homeland, relationships with teachers, collaborative indigenous reciprocity work, proper spiritual protections from the lineage, and solid knowledge of proper medical safety.

In our Bwiti Iboga healer’s school, we cover these topics:

Self study & personal healing

Working with the holy root (micro-dosing) every ceremony
Learning one’s own tolerance
Decolonizing the Self
Cultural competency & diversity training
Cultural appropriation vs cultural connection:
What it is to be a steward of this medicine & tradition as a Western person
Bwiti tradition & history
Western history of ibogaine
Basic medical safety
Psychological & spiritual safety
Power dynamics
Sacred sourcing & sustainability
Screening & Intake
Indigenous reciprocity
Retreat management & business mentorship
Team building & dynamics
Preparation & integration
Preliminary detox for substance use
Addiction recovery
Dosing & tolerance
Fire talk
Missoko Bwiti & Maboundi rituals, modalities, & ceremony
Traditional counseling
Challenging situations & guests
Case studies
Going to Africa for initiation & rite of passage with our elders

The Iboga path requires humility and patience

SoulCentro has a grounded, well-rounded, and organized Bwiti Iboga healer’s school involving 40 – 60 group ceremonies and at least one trip to Gabon. It is self-paced and can take anywhere between 1 – 6 years depending on the time available for study and onsite participation. Often, people in the West want to have things very swiftly, but a rushed approach will certainly backfire.

Are you feeling called to learn more about our school?

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